Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. 30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Many times Christians cannot pray as they ought to pray. Our prayers are not as weighty as they ought to be because we do not know how precious we are before God.
If a Christian sits down to evaluate the price, weight, and how God values him, his language will change. His life will change. His behaviour and reactions to things will change.
Psa 91:7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. 8 Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
1. ABRAHAM Genesis 18: 16 – 33; 20: 1 – 8 Abraham was highly valued by God and he took the advantage to pray for Sodom and Gomorrah. God fought Abimelech without Abraham’s intervention.
2. JACOB Genesis 28: 15; 31: 22 – 24 God visited Jacob and made agreement with him, he also warned his uncle not to harm him which he planned to.
3. JOSEPH Genesis 39: 1 – 4, 20 – 23 Joseph in Potiphar house or prison, was highly favoured.
4. MOSES Numbers 12: 1 – 15; 16: 28 – 33 all those who fought Moses were all handled by God and will He not fight for you?
5. JOSHUA Josh 3: 71: 3 – 9; 10: 12 – 14 Joshua fought terrible wars and won and later stopped the sun and the moon and they obeyed him because of how he saw himself. He never feared any man. How do you see yourself?
6. DAVID 1Samuel 19: 1 – 3, 8 – 24; 23: 25 – 29; 24: 1 – 8; 2Samuel 7: 8, 9;22: 29 – 43: David could go as close as he could to Saul who wanted to kill him and God was still keeping him. Let
7. SOLOMON 1Kings 3: 3 – 14; 4: 22 -25 Solomon had more than his heart could ever wished for because of how God valued him.
8. ELISHA 2Kings 6: 8 – 18 Elisha could do and undo in the presence of enemies because of how he saw himself. How do you see yourself?
9. JEHOSHAPHAT 2Chronicles 20: 1 – 3, 14 – 17, 20 – 25 God fought the three mighty armies before Jehoshaphat got to the battle field. He only got there to carry the booties of war. Will God not fight your battles for you? See how he marched to the battle with worship and praises because of confidence. Do you have confidence in your God?
10. DANIEL WITH HIS FRIENDS Daniel 1: 8 – 20; 2:12 – 19; 3: 23 – 30; 6: 16 – 27 These three Hebrew children feared no foe, and they were very bold because they knew who they were before God. Who are you and how are you before God?
11. THE DISCIPLES Mark 6: 45 – 51
12. PETER Acts 5: 17 – 24; 12: 5 – 11
13. PAUL Acts 16: 25 – 34; 23: 12 – 16, 23 -24; 27: 21 – 26; 28: 3 – 7
As you look at the disciples and Paul, you will see the type of life God expects us to live. All because of how they saw themselves.
Place The Same Value On Yourself
• Be born again John 1: 12
• Obey His instructions
• Be ruthless with satanic agents
• Say what God says about you
• See yourself as God sees you
• Act accordingly
Copyright © 2021 Jide Oladimeji | Potter's House