DIVINE ADVERTISEMENTWhatever knowledge you have, you need to be known. Whatever gift or talent you have, you need to be known. To be known means that you are advertised.God advertised some people in the Bible to show His call on their lives.We shall see some cases to be able to understand and apply to our […]
THE PASTORNo one knows what a pastor hears, what he sees, the secrets he must keep, the temptations he encounters, the tears he sheds, the sorrow he endures, the loneliness he manages, the bitterness he experiences, the lies often levelled against him by some of the people he serves!No one knows how he accommodates those […]
DANCING INTO DESTRUCTIONDancing come because of joy. We rejoice over things according to the knowledge we have. What makes some people to rejoice will make others thinking or sad. In all it all depend on the disposition of our hearts. What makes you happy or sad?Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: […]
Welcome to the month of difference. February is the second month of the year. Its name is derived from ‘februa’ a festival of purification in Rome; therefore according to Rev.21:5 it shall be your month of renewal; everything about you shall be made new in Jesus Christ name. Amen. In the 2nd month of 600th […]
HOW COMMITTED ARE YOU TO GOD?Philippians 3: 7 – 11Commitment is the greatest key to success. The more committed you are the more successful you will be. As we look at these statements said by these prominent people of God, we can see their commitment and we also can see that they were all successful […]
MY CHURCHMY CHURCH is a common slang today in the mouth of the founders and leaders of churches. Who is the owner of the Church?The Church is called the Body of Christ Rom 12:5; 1Cor 12:27; Eph 1:23; 4:12; Col 1:24; 2:19The Church is also called the bride of ChristSo, my brothers and sisters, if […]
GO FORWARDExodus 14:15 And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward:These people had been saved from bondage and after that there were very many problems that were facing them. The message God had for them in spite of the numerous problems is […]
THE PRESENCE OF GODExodus 33: 14“And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest”.One wonders at the incredible things the people of old performed.How were they able to do all that they did? Heb 11: 32 And what shall I more say? for the time would fail me to […]
BEGINNING AT THE ENDThis world is a spiritual world whether you believe it or not. There are witches and wizards who plan against our lives but when they sit down and plan against you, or when they think that they had finalized everything against you that is when your beginning will start.Joseph’s brothers thought that […]
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