MARRIAGEIn marriage, the man must see the women as a human being – A human being has hope, aspirations and visions.After marriage, the woman is still a human being, so her visions, aspirations and hope are not to be covered or buried.We have allowed traditions to replace the Bible for us in the institution of […]
Relationship(s) or relation(s) may refer to the relationship between family, friends, or Marriage partners. Love is an emotion often involved in relationships. – Wikipedia – the way in which two or more people, groups, countries, etc., talk to, behave toward, and deal with each other – Merriam-Webster Hebrews 12:14 Follow peace with all men, and […]
MARRIAGE In marriage, the man must see the women as a human being – A human being has hope, aspirations and visions. After marriage, the woman is still a human being, so her visions, aspirations and hope are not to be covered or buried. We have allowed traditions to replace the Bible for us in […]
Pastor Mrs. Tinuke was on the dining table, she just had a bite from the turkey the husband put in her mouth. James their first Child started laughing and said Pastor and Pastor Mrs. This your love no dey end oooooo,🤣😍 even after the slight disagreement in the car here you are biting each other’s […]
Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Marriage is an institution that was originated by God. If God is not in your marriage, you can try but it may not work. What must we do? The […]
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